ConstructSim i-model Publisher Help

To Publish the i-model Using the End-to-End Data Run (Administrator)

If you want a published i-model at the end of the End-to-End Data Run, enable the Publish .imodel command before running the End-To-End Data Run. To enable the command, right-click Publish .imodel and from the pop-up menu, select Enable Commands.

  1. In ConstructSim Executive, open your project (<project name>.vem).
  2. In the WorkFlow panel, go to Workflows > ConstructSim Project > End-to-End Data Run > Phase 4 - Upload New VCM to Server > Publish model for Bentley Navigator and expand the node.
  3. Right-click Publish .imodel and from the pop-up menu, select Enable Commands.
  4. Right-click the End-to-End Data Run node and select Run.

    At the completion of the End-To-End Data Run, the i-model is created and can be found in both of these locations:

    • On the Data Processing machine at ConstructSimData > Projects > <project name> > ProjectData > Published i-models.
    • On the ConstructSim Work Package Server project website, Project info > Published models.
  5. Use Bentley Navigator to open the i-model.